Professional development & networking

Monday 1 June 2020

Model United Nations (MUN) is used by schools across the country to deliver global citizenship, personal development and academic enrichment to young people.

This conference for adult teaching staff is designed to support advisers of all experience in the development of a successful MUN programme at your school.

A series of workshops offer targeted training in different aspects of MUN. There is also plenty of time in the schedule for networking with other advisers and conference organisers.

For information about our next Advisers’ Conference, please contact Alistair Goddard at [email protected].


Learn how MUN works and the steps to establishing and developing a successful MUN programme.

Explore practical strategies for developing delegates’ MUN skills including resolution drafting and analysis; public speaking and rhetoric; and policy research.

Understand different approaches to model diplomacy and conference organisation.

Network with advisers with a range of experience and from a variety of MUN programmes.